Is there still time to save the world?

This question is the starting point for our theatre congress SAVE THE WORLD, which will grapple with the pressing issues of our time and the world of tomorrow. In the framework of a utopian expedition, together with representatives from the arts, science and politics, we aim to draw attention to global associations and search for answers. Are we witnessing ‘the last days of humankind’ (Karl Kraus), or will we succeed in rescuing the world from collapse?

2015 is the United Nations’ deadline for achieving the Millen- nium Development Goals proclaimed in 2000. With the help of this programme, the aim was to overcome hunger, poverty and environmental destruction once and for all. But already it is ob- vious that at least half of these e orts will not meet the deadline. Instead, new messages of doom are ooding in by the day. Whe- ther it be natural disasters, Ebola or the new wars in Syria and Ukraine – it really does look as if humanity is approaching the abyss in self-destruction mode.

But in spite of frightening environmental and crisis forecasts, we refuse to abandon our tottering planet so easily. And so from Bonn, the international hub of multilateral think-tanks and Germany’s only UN city, we are setting out on our expedition into an uncertain future. SAVE THE WORLD is bringing experts in saving the world together with artists from the worlds of music, theatre, perfor- mance, painting and sculpture. They will all be daring to look at the wider picture and to step out on to unknown territory. In this way they will be creating a space for intellectual and playful exchange. At the heart of this congress is the trail on the site of the Halle Beu- el, whose individual stations have each been created by one team of artists and experts. As we have to dish out the soup of manmade catastrophes, we are looking at the causes of starvation at an eve- ning meal together. We are using a hammer and chisel to demons- trate land reclamation, and hope, together with you, the public, to transform the human being from a pro t-obsessed zombie into a fair global player. And nally, as ‘Klimatopia’ choir, we are com- bating global warming. If we just wanted to just play at saving the world on our computers, we’d soon get the message GAME OVER. Interdisciplinary dialogue, a unique programme to save the world, and communicating the catastrophe in a way people can understand – SAVE THE WORLD is creating a theatrical event with artists, scientists and politicians that point to ways out of the global survival crisis. The future of the world lies in our hands. If we manage to turn horror scenarios into inspiring thought games, replace political apathy by curiosity, and to make complex political associations easier to understand, we may not, here in Bonn, necessarily be able to just save the world, but we will be able to make a start. For good art always does one thing above all: it hones the gaze and makes people curious.

Let’s save the world together!

Concept and artistic direction

Nicola Bramkamp, Andrea Tietz

Friends, Partners, Sponsors - with love!


Beethovenfest Bonn | DIE – Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik | LUUPS | Pixelhelper e. V. | der UNccD – Sekretariat der Vereinten Nationen zur Bekämpfung der Desertifikation | der UNFCCC – Klimasekretariat der Vereinten Nationen | der UNU-VIE – Universität der Vereinten Nationen, der UNU-EHS – Institut für Umwelt und menschliche Sicherheit | den UNV – Freiwilligenprogramm der Vereinten Nationen | dem ZEF – Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Universität Bonn | und dem FIW – Forum Internationale Wissenschaften, Universität Bonn | Theater Bonn


Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung | Stadt Bonn | Stiftung Internationale Begegnungen der Sparkasse Bonn | TEDx | Theater Bonn


Alle Projekte 2014