How can art communicate global challenges and academic knowledge to a broad public, make complex interrelationships visible and imaginable and thus encourage people to get involved?
The three-day workshop "Moving from empathy and knowledge to action: Art and the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development" for aspiring international leaders of the MGG Academy (Managing Global Governance) and for a postgraduate course at the Deutschen Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) was opened by the two artistic directors of SAVE THE WORLD with the lecture performance "How can we communicate the SDGs via art?
As a kick-off, the two makers presented in a keynote speech formats that successfully combine art and science. In four parallel, practice-oriented workshops led by the artists Bernadette La Hengst (songwriting), Jakob Klaffs (video), Angela Merl (storytelling) and Refilwe Nkomo (art activism), the participants developed their own artistic projects around visions and strategies for the implementation of SDGs. A presentation marked the end of the three-day workshop.
The German development institute (DIE) is one of the world's leading research institutions for development policy. It has its headquarters in the UN city of Bonn. DIE builds bridges between theory and practice and works in international research networks.